Map Name: Minifig "Pirate" Edition Author: "Weasel" SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155 SteamID3: [U:1:311] SteamID64: 76561197960266039 Contact: Web-Site: ============================================================= HINT: Buttons for music control, are found in a secret area. QR-codes are scannable using an application on your phone. ============================================================= The rough lay-out of this map is INSPIRED by "CP_Orange_X_7" (created and/or updated by Witty, BSL, GGoDD2 and/or WhiteWolf_x), but featuring greatly simplified (block-like) geometry. ============================================================= The LEGO-like toy-blocks textures and the juke-box textures were custom created by Weasel. Various other textures were ripped from sources found on the internet (but not tracked / remembered), including some of the signs featuring LEGO-like fonts, and the various "posters" on the walls.